COLORS i — March 2002, #48


COLORS is a quarterly magazine about "the rest of the world" based in Treviso, Italy. Founded in 1991, it is published worldwide in five editions: Chinese/English, French/English, Italian/English, Korean/English and Spanish/English. Every issue of the magazine takes a single theme and covers it from an international perspective.

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Colors goes back to school: from a special unit for teenage mothers in the UK to one of the biggest public schools in Asia and an elite private school in the Malawian bush. At the Gan HaShalom kindergarten in Jaffa, Israel, teachers tell us that cultural barriers dissapear when Israeli and Palestine children are mixed together in a classroom. In India, a female military academy student moans about not being punished as much as her male counterparts, while in Iran, a young girl says that her greatest joy is to buy a new pair of shoes.

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