COLORS i — Spring 2011, #80


COLORS is a quarterly magazine about "the rest of the world" based in Treviso, Italy. Founded in 1991, it is published worldwide in five editions: Chinese/English, French/English, Italian/English, Korean/English and Spanish/English. Every issue of the magazine takes a single theme and covers it from an international perspective.

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The eightieth issue of COLORS celebrates the Superheroes of our day: men and women, weak or strong, rich or poor, all united by a common wish: the good of people and of the world. "Real" people who do extraordinary things for others, and who, in different ways, contribute to improving society. This issue goes a step beyond photographic reportage and, for the first time in 20 years, it’s completely illustrated by renowned and emerging international artists. Through illustrated narration, they have sought to give shape to those subtle sensations that photographic investigation sometimes fails to capture.

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