Der Zirkel, der macht.

"Der Zirkel, der macht." is a biannual magazine by design agency Karl Anders. Each issue explores a topic that doesn´t get that much attention in the publishing scene.

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Released 15 November 2014

„Bon Visage“ –title of the second theme to be discussed, invited guests to the 1st international faceswap meet. There it was possible to swap faces in realtime and led the participants to question there own and independent identity. Additionally we released a magazine, in which digged even deeper into the matter of identity. Due to the handling with typographic elements and space the editorial design of „Bon Visage“ gets kind of bold in a very special way. It also bribes through an new invented typography, designed and made by the bureau „Riesling Type“. Karl Anders plays with intended mess, summarized to tidiness. Lots of space, white areas and bold illustrative gimmickry, influenced by the typography, lead the magazine deisgn to appear puristic and dynamic at once. Something you can notice immediately is, that the magazine approaches to the loss of face in an arty and experimental way.

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