Out There

OutThere produces truly-global, stylish, publications for discerning gay men and their friends. Our aim is to celebrate the many fascinating expressions of global queer culture that extends beyond the mainstream, compendiums of arts, activism, fashion and travel - interspersed with strong personal stories, great photography, queer voices and in-depth features. We're proud to produce OutThere/Annual, OutThere/Style and OutThere/Travel; our family of titles that recently won the PPA's Independent Publishers Award for LAUNCH OF THE YEAR

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When we first started OUT THERE, we never imagined just how many journeys we would go on. We’re not just talking about an enviable global itinerary, but the proverbial journey that creating and growing OUT THERE has taken us on – and the wonderful and truly amazing people we’ve met along the way, discovering the places where they live, their art (in whatever form it may manifest), understanding what really maketh the men, women and those in between; and the many fascinating expressions of global gay culture.

Travel is such a big part of what OUT THERE is about. We know that there is far more to “gay travel” than the unending cliches of beach parties, cruises and gay bars. Don’t get us wrong, we love all that too, but just felt that there is so much more to the world that should be explored. We were encouraged and thrilled that so many of you were inspired by our pages and were so vocal in telling us that you wanted more; more global style, more about design, more on travel trends and different ways to travel; more unique, once in a lifetime, luxury experiences. And nearly all of you wanted to know more about the gay people, the leaders of the communities outside our own, who are really creating change in their world, the people that make destinations just so interesting to visit, the people that will inspire you to set off on your own journeys.

All this has formed the basis of OUT THERE TRAVEL. In this, our very first ‘special’, dedicated purely to discovering the world, we bring you the wonderful Kingdom of Thailand. At this point, we feel it fitting to extend our gratitude to the OUT THERE people of Thailand who so gladly showed us their beautiful country. And also the people of its forward looking Tourism Authority who are making it their mission to ensure that Thailand is ever welcoming to gay people. We thank them for putting their trust in us to deliver an inspirational 64 page special.

This issue also takes us to Mumbai, India; where homosexuality was decriminalized just 4 years ago. We speak to the filmmaker and pioneering activist, Sridhar Rangayan and journalist Shibu Thomas, both part of Mumbai’s first ever queer film festival.

We’ve packed all this and more into what we hope will become your favorite travel companion. We hope you enjoy our inaugural travel special and that you can join us on the many journeys we have yet to make.

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