Dark beauty magazine i — 18 December 2012, #17

Dark beauty magazine

Dark Beauty is a magazine dedicated to artists, fashion designers, photographers, musicians, and actors who crave dark glamour. We provide a new avenue for promoting new and exciting talents who dares to push the envelope and bring such fantasies to life. Our focus is to highlight and bring awareness to bold talents from the darker side of the arts community.

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Featured talents includes Jason Tamvakis, Taralynn Lawton,Yannick Schuette, Laura Dark, Zuzanna Audette, Allison Kortokrax, Catherine Asanov, Taya Uddin, Raquel Jaramago, Charlotte Aleman, Claudia Wycisk, Clay Cook, Cory Albrechtson, Gail Kilker, Topher Adam, Lady Amaranth, Sarah Elizabeth, Silke Gabrielle, Missie Tong, Benjo Arwas, Afira, Henry Alfonso Navarro, Kurt Lawson, Salleh Sparrow, Michael O’Sullivan, Sequoia Emmanuelle, Jorge Posada, Maciek Stepnik, Debra Lamb, and more!

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