REVS magazine is a Fashion and Art magazine directed by a team based between Helsinki and Tokyo.

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REVS magazine is a Fashion and Art magazine directed by a team based between Helsinki and Tokyo. REVS originally started in Helsinki. That gave it the freedom to write its own story, not to be defined by rules or standards.

Holding on to that original drive REVS continues to evolve. Today each issue is inspired by different artists, faces and ideas. The subject is at the heart of the issue and beyond the images it tells a story with a captivating plot acted by talented contributors.

Through the search for those stories and visual ideas, we find ourselves today standing on a different stage, playing our stories in fashion capitals, inspired by everything, obeying nothing.

REVS is a printed magazine distributed internationally, its large format allows the reader to dive into a world of amazing imagery, and its art direction is carefully planned to cherish both the beauty and the message of each issue.

The aim of Revs magazine is to inspire and to communicate a statement of quality and creativity. Making every copy a timeless statement of what we find beautiful.

Fashion is another story.

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