125 Magazine, a unique visual compendium of new ideas in photography, fashion, art and culture. We are the only magazine in the world to act as a completely unbiased gallery space, showcasing new work and ideas by creatives across the worlds of photography and fashion and open to both emerging and established artists. Published twice a year, each issue is a 300+ page tribute to creative freedom and the ultimate luxury magazine, a must-have on any coffee table.
A 125 classic, with images based upon touch, taste, sight, sound & smell, the assembled stories in this issue were breathtakingly original as was Rick Guest’s surrealist cover and chapter images. Bizarrely, a fact-finding mission to Los Angeles led to the Senses issue being printed in Slovenia and another step towards editorial perfection. The 125 team can now regularly be found in Ljubljana hunched over a plotter proof, pint of Union Lager in hand.