All Hollow i — Summer 2013, #4

All Hollow

Romanian independent style magazine which aims to be a curator of aristic and cultural content, as well as a generator of local and relevant content, of subjects such as fashion, film, music, literature, art etc.

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We call this issue the “Summer” issue, but we don’t take it lightly and neither should you. This cover is one of the strongest we’ve had so far. The fact that it’s Luminita Gheorghiu who is featured on it carries great weight. The summer issue features fashion editorials by Marian Palie, Cornel Lazia, Oltin Dogaru, Ionut Staicu, Iulian Nan, Ovidiu Buta (GQ Romania), Alina Negoita, Roxana Enache sau Lil Bulgac (Harper’s Bazaar Romania). It brings a fresh selection of interviews with actor Marian Ralea, who talks about turning from theatre to movies, writer George Saunders, one of the top 100 most influential people alive today, according to TIME Magazine, fashion designer Adrian Oianu, who is talking about fashion industry in Romania. Also our editors got to interview Swans and Asteroids Galaxy Tour, bands that toured in Romania in 2013.

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