Released quarterly as a printed magazine, Alquimie is a written emulsion of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Covering wine, beer, spirits, bitters, coffees and other solutions of interest; we explore the liquids themselves — their origins and stories.
In edition two, we encourage you to explore a couple of drinks that you might not ordinarily contemplate. Our cover story on absinthe travels back to 18th century France and is intertwined with mysterious tones. Of more indulgent offerings, our bordeaux and whisky tastings are for relaxation and recommendation as to how best an arm-chair can be accompanied. In our tasting of an 1890 wine from Madeira the words of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan are particularly apt; “The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore.”
Our pieces on real milk and clean water are thought-provoking and hold gravitas for our every day decisions. Our drink with David Bromley unearthed the wisdom of a successful artist whose unfailing pursuit of creativity consume all the hours of his day. We take in the view along the River Thames whilst we chat with The River Café.