š! is an English-language art comics anthology. Every issue contains comics and illustrations from international artists to a certain theme.
USD 13.00
Comics about sports by international artists.
Cover: Amanda Baeza (Portugal) Artists: Amanda Baeza (Portugal), Anna Vaivare (Latvia), Conor Stechschulte (USA), Dace Sietiņa (Latvia/The Netherlands), Dāvis Ozols (Latvia), Emelie Östergren (Sweden), Ernests Kļaviņš (Latvia), Jeroen Funke (The Netherlands), Josh White (USA), König Lü.Q. (Switzerland), Lai Tat Tat Wing (Hong Kong), Luka Va (Lithuania), Marc M. Gustà (Spain), Marlene Krause (Germany), Mārtiņš Zutis (Latvia), Michel Esselbrügge (Germany), Michiel Budel (The Netherlands), Mikus Duncis (Latvia), Nicolas Zouliamis (Belgium), Ratigher (Italy), Rūta Daubure (Latvia), Søren Mosdal (Denmark)
Format: A6, 164 pages, full-color, perfect bound, English.
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