Boneshaker: A Bicycling Almanac

Modeled loosely after the United States War Department’s 1941 Soldier’s Basic Field Manual, Boneshaker: A Bicycling Almanac fashions itself to be the practical bicyclist’s literary periodical-style handbook.

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In the latest installment you will be reunited with Smidge & Space who are riding their bicycles as far west as they can go in Maureen Foley’s excellent graphic memoir excerpt. You will find superb and inspiring profiles of several families across the U.S. who are using bicycles as their primary mode of transportation. You will also not want to miss London-based writer and photographer Julian Birch explaining the pitfalls of the phenomenon known as Bicycle Retail Therapy.

To boot, Jonny Waldman’s enlightening travelogue will have you doubled over laughing, while Marc-Andre Chimonas’ interview with Renold Yip of Fort Collins’ own Yipsan Bicycles will have you yearning for an artisan frame this fall. Complete will poetry, a film-by-film review of the 10th annual Bicycle Film Festival, another full moon ride schedule, and a handy chart for riding in pairs, issue BA 43-200 will make excellent reading as you break from riding through all those fallen leaves.

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