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  • 1909 (586)
  • Germany
  • Two issues a year

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How is an architect’s knowledge generated, gathered, and passed on? Who are the people, institutions, and groups involved, and how do these participants go about their work? These questions are at the heart of the series of essays, Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge, which has been published biannually since 2009, describing and promoting a specific culture of knowledge about architecture. The five pieces of this edition “Turning Point 1973: Large-scale housing production and architectural knowledge” consider the implications of post-1968 societal change and the world economic crisis of the mid-1970s on the discipline. The end of broad, publically funded housing programs was critical in a shift toward the academic separation between architecture, urban planning, and the social sciences leading to a belief in the autonomy of architecture, a belief that continues to shape architecture pedagogy and practice today.

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