Cut Magazine i — March 2009, #1

Cut Magazine

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  • 1931 (982)
  • Germany
  • Four issues a year

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“CUT Magazin. Leute machen Kleider # 01”

EUR 7.00 — Released 4 March 2009

CUT – Leute machen Kleider (which means “people make clothes”, an alteration of the adage “clothes make the man”) is the name of this chubby little magazine focusing on every aspect of Do-it-Yourself and especially into fashion. Along with simple patterns, which are explained step-by-step, it just loves to discover newcomer designers, to investigate new shops and cities, to rummage through the wardrobes of the stars and starlets and to explore the history of fashion. It has inner values, too, which also include the removable pattern sheets.

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