Dark beauty magazine i — 15 August 2013, #26

Dark beauty magazine

Dark Beauty is a magazine dedicated to artists, fashion designers, photographers, musicians, and actors who crave dark glamour. We provide a new avenue for promoting new and exciting talents who dares to push the envelope and bring such fantasies to life. Our focus is to highlight and bring awareness to bold talents from the darker side of the arts community.

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“Fall 2013”

Released 15 August 2013

iPhone/iPad: http://bit.ly/DBM_iOS Print: http://bit.ly/DBM_No23

ISSUE 23 features an exclusive interview with RJ Mitte from Breaking Bad and campaign lensed by Topher Adam. Issue also includes editorials and stories from Jacco Breedveld, Mariliin Saar, Temira Decay, Eva Krebbers, Ash Vesali, Robert S Evans III, Fenia Labropoulou, Fred Fraser, Michael Kuettner, Hironobu Sato, Giulia Hepburn, Laura Marino, Iris Stefansdottir, Katia Nunzi, Josephine Roloff, Angel Bousquet, Jorge Rivas, Jennifer Palmer, Daria Satina, Róbert Fekete, Hex Photography, Elizabeth Parker, Gregory Moore, H. James Hoff, Salar Kheradpejouh, Pawel Grabowski, TJ Manou, Rocío Ponce, Iris Huber, Topher Adam, Jason Setiawan, Mark Seager, Sequoia Emmanuelle, Vismaya, Yuji Watanabe, Debra Lamb, and many others!

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