Dark Beauty is a magazine dedicated to artists, fashion designers, photographers, musicians, and actors who crave dark glamour. We provide a new avenue for promoting new and exciting talents who dares to push the envelope and bring such fantasies to life. Our focus is to highlight and bring awareness to bold talents from the darker side of the arts community.
Released 15 November 2013
ISSUE 26 – Featuring Cara Quici lensed by H. James Hoff; along with exclusive content from Adrian Farr, George Dimitrov, Chloe Chudasama, Jasper van Gheluwe, Javier L. Navarrete, Beth Mitchell, Fred Love, Jose Rosado, Efren Beltran, Julin Lee, Ernest Favis, Viorella Luciana, Kimberly Frost, Yann Malotti, Amarillis Cargnin, KINK Foto Grafic, Kassie Bloom, Abi Bansal, Manuela Kalì, Sequoia Emmanuelle, Sian Robertson, Marta Bevacqua, Christina Lazar-Schuler, Melissa Houben, Miss Fame, Michael Meltser, Patricia Ferreira, Peter Collie, Weronika Kosińska, Roberto Ligresti, Somnolent Images, Natalie Wall, Raimondo Cantafio, Ben Müller, Stoney Darkstone, H. James Hoff, Debra Lamb, and many more.