Decât o revistă i — June 2015, #20

Decât o revistă

Decât o Revistă (the title roughly translates as Just a Magazine) covers various aspects of modern Romanian life — social change, personal development, cultural trends, politics, and technology —, assembling an eclectic and thought-provoking puzzle.

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“Legacy (Summer 2015)”

RON 20.00

We are all sums of what we inherited, both personally and from our societies, all struggling to accept our complex nature, all the while hanging onto the certainties that got us here. DoR #20 is about people and stories that challenge the status quo of these legacies and dominant myths - the pang of nostalgia, the reality of growing old, the crippling force of poverty, the definition of what makes a sport, - and try to build different and more inclusive narratives.

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