Der Zirkel, der macht.

"Der Zirkel, der macht." is a biannual magazine by design agency Karl Anders. Each issue explores a topic that doesn´t get that much attention in the publishing scene.

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“Timeless Fitness”

Released 1 February 2014

„Timeless Fitness“ – title of the first edition of „Der Zirkel, der macht.“; a format to discuss several topics in different ways; totally applied to the topic of time. Guests could literally hold the time in their hands and were able to choose tempo and style. This led to the question, if time is flexible and if it could be possible to stop or decelerate it. The magazine, which additionally was released bribes through its unique editorial design and translates time on its own way. The integration of dynamics and playful twists turn the magazine into a special designer artwork. Due to explosive compositions we translate time into visual content and invite the reader to deal with the topic even deeper then he did before. Trough the experimental dealings with typography the texts seem to be illustrative pieces of artwork. Word and style word hand in hand and combine the topic of time to a homogenous result. Art, music, literature and philosophy are parts of the contect and provide the magazine the power to involve every reader. As you can see, the magazine seems to become a conclusion of „Der Zirkel, der macht.“ .

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