Elephant i — Summer 2014, #19


Elephant is a quarterly magazine on contemporary art and visual culture. Featuring up-to-the-minute visual material, fresh faces and original voices, the magazine covers and uncovers new trends and talent in contemporary visual culture.

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Our special summer issue on outerspace brings you to places beyond the farthest Reaches of your imagination. From Michael Najjar to Trevor Paglen to Cristina Medium, artists are exploring the relationship between space exploration and creative engagement in a variety of ways. We speak to a mix of artists and scientists (such as Zolt Levay, who works at the Space Telescope Science Institute) and find out how they have embraced interactive media in their interpretations of the final frontier. Back on Earth, Margherita Dessanay interviews Carol Prusa about the biomorphic forms that she creates using mixed media. Robert Shore visits the illustrious Philippe Weisbecker in his studio and learns what inspires his sleek architectural drawings, while Grace Banks gets lost in the thriving, riotous art scene in Havana.

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