japan jikkan is an app magazine offering readers a highly sensual and unique insight into the culture, tradition and heart of Japan, from perspectives of past, present and future,
FREE — Released 1 January 2015
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In this Kaki-Iro (Persimmon) edition you'll travel through time in order to fully experience a current day Japan that is: healthy, positive, creative, forward thinking, culturally rich, organic, 'traditionaly-modern,' socially aware, and lighthearted.
The word 'jikkan' in the title has a double meaning, stemming from the Japanese words jikkan (to experience totaly reality) and jikan(time). By combining these two meanings and not overusing the technology of smart devices we have created a new way to see, listen to , read about and experience Japan.
Download Japan Jikkan issue 02 here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/japan-jikkan-english/id909220862?l=ja&ls=1&mt=8