Since its launch in 2010, KNEON magazine has established itself as a platform collecting some of the most upcoming and talented artists around the world. With a global audience consisting of both creative pioneers and innovative young artists, KNEON aims to capture an honest dialogue between the curious observer and the confident artist. The magazine collects a wide range of creative, intelligent and independent talents, and loves to collaborate with those who are pursuing and achieving their dreams.
KNEON is based in Edinburgh, and has teams in London, Paris, New York, Vienna, Beijing and Los Angeles. The magazine currently reaches over 300,000 unique readers per issue (according to:
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05 Feb, 2014
December 2013 issue
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05 Feb, 2014
December 2013 issue
Added to Magpile by kneonmagazine - 05 Feb, 2014 Added to Magpile by kneonmagazine