Remarkable i — May/September 2015, #1


Remarkable is a magazine showcasing remarkable humans doing remarkable things to help people live better and harm less.

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“Issue 1: Power”

EUR 15.00 — Released 5 June 2015

Savour 160 pages on everything that is ‘Power’. Through our in-depth briefings, explore the powerful questions on living better and harming less that face us all. How does the energy revolution define our generation? What is the new people power? Do individuals have the power to change the world?

We interview some truly remarkable people, making a huge impact to our planet. We get to see the planet from another perspective with Mike Horn, a passionate explorer who circumnavigated the world without power to “show the beauty of the planet, to give hope not despair.”

Maurtis Groen, founder of the one-for one WakaWaka solar-power charger, tells us how this must-have is “bringing energy independence to millions.”

Nicolas Roope from Plumen re-invents the light bulb, and proves sustainability really can be sexy. Trailblazers Yunus Social Business show us how doing good makes sense – financially and ethically – with CEO Saskia Bruysten.

This stunning publication is filled with gorgeous imagery, inspiring stories, conscious goods to lust after, and the power to really begin living better and harming less.

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