Stella i — April/May 2013, #5


Stella is a thinking woman's magazine from the Pacific Islands. The magazine celebrates the indigenous voice of Pacific Islanders covering fashion, health, travel, arts, and life across our region. Following publishing trends from across the globe, Stella shares uplifting stories from our Pacific sisters and brothers across the region in all walks of life. We aim to challenge the stereotypes and share good ideas.

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“Issue 5”

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We have some lovely dedications by our writers in this issue (that you may need your tissues for). The mums we know and admire deserve a salute too. Also featured this issue, Fashion in Paradise: behind the scenes of Fiji Fashion Week; conversations with fashion designers Florence Kamel (Papua New Guinea) and Anton Conway Wye (Fiji); a PNG perspective on Italy's 2012 Food Fairs; and a bit of art history too with a look in on ancient Pacific Lapita Pottery. We hope you'll enjoy the energy of our featured cover shoot as well as our regular boudoir, recipes, craft activities, second hand fashion ideas, health tips, and street interviews.

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