Sunflower Living i — 10 October 2013-10 January 2014, #15

Sunflower Living

Covering the people, places and style of the region around Salina, Kansas--where grain bins are sexy, wheatfields are a thing of beauty and a mix of immigrant cultures has passed down a legacy of respect for the land and one another.

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“Grace, Air and Power | The Motocross cover issue for fall 2013 Sunflower Living”

USD 3.00 — Released 9 October 2013

Motocross. Sacred art. Prairie land preservation. An Italian recipe with a Kansas accent. The almost-forgotten monument to Spanish-American war veterans. These stories and more in the fall issue of Sunflower Living magazine--the premier quarterly on people, places and spaces of the Salina, Kansas, region. Because grain bins are sexy and life can be as good as the land that nourishes us.

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