Tarzan i — 11 June 2015, #673


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ハードに鍛えるアウトドア=山。トレーニング科学から、山登りがカラダに効く理由をひも解く一冊が登場です。歩けばヤセる、上ればタフになる、下れば筋力アップする驚異的な効果とは!? 景色や温泉、花や動物など行きたくなる山のガイド付きに加え、最新の山歩き/山走りギアのカタログも掲載です。

Outdoor = mountain to train hard. From training science, one book that solves string why the hill climbing is good for the body is the appearance. The walk should lose weight, it becomes tough if climb, and the astounding effect to muscle up if Kudare!? scenery and hot springs, in addition to guided mountain you would want to go, such as flowers and animals, the latest of the hiking / mountain run Gear of the catalog is also posted.

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