The Lifted Brow features work from Australia and the world in a high-quality print magazine, published four times a year. Its focus is on longform nonfiction and fiction, commentary, criticism, comics, poetry, visual art, and work that could be categorised as 'uncategorisable'.
AUD 13.95 — Released 3 March 2016
Issue 29 of The Lifted Brow features: - cover artwork by Ruth O'Leary, and feature art pages inside also by Ruth - nonfiction from Briohny Doyle, Shaun Prescott, Amy Gray, Regrette Etcetera, Adam Rivett, Dion Kagan, Jana Perkovic, Stephanie Van Schilt, Paola Balla, Gabriel Filippa, Fatima Measham, Robbie Arnott, Ruth Wyer, Alex Cuffe, Paul Dalla Rosa, Lou Heinrich, Helen Addison-Smith, H.D. Thompson, and Jean Hannah Edelstein - fiction by Khalid Warsame, and by David Thornby - comics and artwork from Mary Leunig, Lyra Hill, Sam Wallman, Safdar Ahmed, Brie Moreno, Merv Heers, Freda Chiu, Lynn Nguyen, Chaya, Chris Gooch, Anna Haifisch, Leonie Brialey, Charlotte Dumortier, Phoebe Sheehy, Tommi PG, Emilie Gleeson, Queenie Bon Bon and Ben Fordree - poetry by Wendy, and by Stuart Barnes - and Benjamin Law and his mum Jenny's sex and relationships advice column