The Lifted Brow i Print edition — September/November 2015, #27

The Lifted Brow

The Lifted Brow features work from Australia and the world in a high-quality print magazine, published four times a year. Its focus is on longform nonfiction and fiction, commentary, criticism, comics, poetry, visual art, and work that could be categorised as 'uncategorisable'.

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AUD 13.95 — Released 3 September 2015

Issue 27 of The Lifted Brow features: - cover artwork by Lale Westvind, and also a feature comic inside by Westvind - nonfiction from folks like Jenn Shapland, Rachel Perks, Stephanie Convery, Shawn Wen, Sophie Shanahan, Zora Sanders, Sam Kriss, Jennifer Down, Rachel Hennessy, Caroline Crew, Caitlin McGregor and Omar Musa - wonderful columns from Dion Kagan, Briohny Doyle, Annabel-Brady Brown, and Jana Perkovic - fiction from Jensen Beach and Caitlin McGregor - little snippets from Ellen van Neerven, Adolfo Aranjuez and Mohammed Ahmad poetry by Mud Howard, t'ai freedom ford and Phillip B. Williams - Benjamin Law and his mum Jenny's sex and relationships advice column - comics and artwork from Carla McRae, Lee Lai, Diego Ramirez, Sam Wallman, Merv Heers, Mona Moradveisi, Mickey Zacchilli, Michael Hawkins, Katie Parrish, Bligh Twyford-Moore, Sophie Yanow, Sergiy Maidukov, Egle Zvirblyte, and Valentine Gallardo - a feature on the oral history project 'Behind the Wire' which documents the experiences of those people who have spent time in Australia's mandatory detention system and a tribute to recently-departed friend and hero Kat Muscat, compiled mostly from her own words.

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