COLORS i — September 2003, #57


COLORS is a quarterly magazine about "the rest of the world" based in Treviso, Italy. Founded in 1991, it is published worldwide in five editions: Chinese/English, French/English, Italian/English, Korean/English and Spanish/English. Every issue of the magazine takes a single theme and covers it from an international perspective.

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For Colors 57 we sent teams of photographers and journalists to 12 slums on five continents. From Spain to Bolivia, Tokyo and Nairobi, we found communities actively improving their lives. These are communities that have their own stylists, interior decorators, architects, electricians, bankers, plumbers, doctors and businesspeople. Objects are put to maximum use: A pool table doubles up as a bed at night; Tetrapak cartons become waterproof wallpaper; pigs become informal garbage disposal units, Coca-Cola crates are used instead of bricks.

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