COLORS i — Summer 2013, #87


COLORS is a quarterly magazine about "the rest of the world" based in Treviso, Italy. Founded in 1991, it is published worldwide in five editions: Chinese/English, French/English, Italian/English, Korean/English and Spanish/English. Every issue of the magazine takes a single theme and covers it from an international perspective.

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“Looking at Art”

EUR 13.00

What distinguishes a conceptual masterpiece from a bit of urban debris? A renowned painter from a commercial designer? Is copying allowed in art, and if so, says who? From a 12 million dollar shark carcass to England's most prolific forger family, from North Korea’s #1 atelier to the fig leaf that hides David’s package, COLORS 87 - Looking at Art explores how we teach, buy, sell, and steal art today. (Plus: Switzerland's ultra-secret art vaults and the crime behind the Mona Lisa.)

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