De Poezenkrant

Graphic designer Piet Schreuders started 'De Poezenkrant' (cats' newspaper) as a lark in 1974. Initially it was a single-page photocopied newsletter, distributed to about a dozen cat-fans among friends and colleagues. It's irregular appearance and unpredictable format hasn't prevented the magazine from growing continuously.

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Graphic designer Piet Schreuders started 'De Poezenkrant' (cats' newspaper) as a lark in 1974. Initially it was a single-page photocopied newsletter, distributed to about a dozen cat-fans among friends and colleagues. It's irregular appearance and unpredictable format hasn't prevented the magazine from growing continuously. Although its name suggests that the magazine contains 'news' about 'cats', it rarely contains any news whatsoever - and it somehow manages to skirt the issue of cats as well.

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