Eight by Eight

A new magazine about soccer and its place in our culture.

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A new magazine about soccer and its place in our culture.

It’s really exciting to see that soccer is experiencing a resurgence in North America and that even greater exposure and awareness is coming to the U.S. than ever before. Like every serious soccer fan, we are thrilled to participate in our growing community. That is why we started this magazine—to celebrate our treasured sport, summon up its past and bring you the future. Our focus will be on covering the great teams, coaches and players, but we also intend to address the concerns of global soccer and the role that the governing bodies play (or don’t play) in improving our experience of the game.

In our careers, we’ve had the privilege to collaborate with the best editors, writers, illustrators, photographers and designers in the industry. So our ambition is to bring you a mix of excellent journalism, modern graphics and the best illustration in a beautifully produced, large-format magazine that will come out four times a year. It is our hope that when you read our publication you will come away feeling the urge to get to a stadium and share your passion with thousands of like-minded fans. For us, there is nothing better than watching the incredible theater that soccer provides. So, what’s with our name? The goalposts are silent witnesses to the most dramatic moments in the game. They stand 8 feet high by 8 yards long. Hence Eight by Eight.

We hope that you will join us as part of the voice that changes the landscape of soccer in America and we promise to give it everything we’ve got to produce the magazine that the beautiful game deserves.

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