A bimonthly magazine about Nordic film and television around the world.
EUR 1.95 — Released 2 March 2015
A unique universe: An interview with Roy Andersson, Istvan Borbas and Gergely Palos The magic box: An introduction to Roy Andersson’s world The permeability of the Nordic borders in Bent Hamer’s Kitchen Stories Louis Bodnia Andersen From press photography to film direction: The work of Erik Poppe The beast, the pedophile and the infanticide: Societal behaviour in When Animals Dream, The Hunt and Sorrow and Joy A snowy bridge between past and present: The rise of Sami cinema Scandinavian audience survey Shiny, happy families: Gender and relationship politics in Force Majeure Nicolas Winding Refn The look of loneliness: Let the Right One In The Danish multi-ethnic society Societal capital in The Bridge Ingeborg Holm Susanne Bier: What does she bring to Scandinavian cinema