Unmapped tells hidden stories from around the world: ideas, events, places and people that have been left off the map.
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Many publications try to approach the question of 'where to live' scientifically, with metrics, markets and rankings. At Unmapped, we think the discussion is definitely a worthy one, and one we find ourselves having often in the Unmapped office and out of it: which city weighs up best in the global mix, which gems haven't we considered, and so on. But we realise at the same time that creating a ranking is a little unfair: what might be a great city for us might not be great for you, and vice versa. So what we have done instead is this issue: five cities and five articles, written by five migrants to those cities, extolling the virtues and vices of the five places they have chosen to live. Our writers have their cases to make, and we have our own chosen favourites, but what about you?
Stories from Bombay, Paris, London, Chiang Mai, Madrid
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