
POSTRmagazine is a free quarterly magazine printed on an A1 size poster and folded to a 198 x 280mm format. POSTRmagazine is distributed in Belgium, Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin and can be found at selected concept stores, shops, art centers, galleries, concert halls and certain restaurants and hotels.

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POSTRmagazine is a free quarterly magazine printed on an A1 size poster and folded to a 198 x 280mm format. POSTRmagazine is distributed in Belgium, Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin and can be found at selected concept stores, shops, art centers, galleries, concert halls and certain restaurants and hotels.

In case you’re wondering why it’s the size of a poster, it’s because we would like you to put them up. On your front door, your kitchen window, your bedroom ceiling or even nailed to the door of your local city hall. Screw a blogosphere, we’re taking it back to the oldest of old schools. We are the new pamphleteers, taking on the digital dictatorship of the 2.0 era. POSTRmagazine is not here to give you all or even any of the answers; we’re here to raise some questions of our own. We’re here to make sure you keep thinking. We’re the critical footnote at the bottom of the picture perfect, the news satellite on the dark side of the moon, keeping an eye on what the 9 ‘o clock news doesn’t show you.

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